Back to school means back to routine. Summer is over and there’s always an adjustment period post-Labour Day. Ease into fall and get back on track.
4 Tips for Getting Organized:
Kids lunches meal prep. We all complain about packing lunches…there never seems to be enough time in the mornings. Make Sundays your meal-prep day and cook in large batches so that you can pre-pack lunches for the week. Snacks like veggies and fruit can be pre-cut, bagged, labelled and put in the fridge for an morning of lunch-packing.
Use a chalkboard. Stay organized by writing down the kids’ schedules on a chalkboard. If you don’t have one, all you need is a bit of chalkboard paint and an old picture frame. Plan ahead for doctor appointments, sports games and movie nights.
Colour code. Baggu Bags (insert link) are coloured coded, reusable bags that are great for organizing sports gear. One for soccer, one for dance, one for spin.
Start a self-serve station. Clear a bottom shelf with healthy snacks that the kids can grab on their way out the door. Everyone can help themselves so less worrying for you.
An easy how-to on making your own chalkboard:
Make the transition post-cottage, post-Labour Day easier on everyone by staying organized. Fall is here to stay, and I hope these tips help you embrace the changing of seasons